「Organophosphate poisoning」熱門搜尋資訊

Organophosphate poisoning

「Organophosphate poisoning」文章包含有:「OrganophosphateToxicity」、「Organophosphatepoisoning」、「Organophosphatepoisoning」、「OrganophosphateToxicity」、「OrganophosphatePoisoning:Symptoms」、「OrganophosphateToxicityClinicalPresentation」、「OrganophosphatePoisoning」、「Organophosphateandcarbamatepoisoning」、「Clinicalfeaturesoforganophosphatepoisoning」、「OrganophosphatePoisoningandCarbamatePoisoning」

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Organophosphate Toxicity
Organophosphate Toxicity


In severe organophosphate toxicity, the prototypical patient may exhibit unresponsiveness, pinpoint pupils, muscle fasciculations, and ...

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Organophosphate poisoning
Organophosphate poisoning


Organophosphate poisoning symptoms can range from mild to severe and vary widely depending on the type and degree of exposure. In more severe ...

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Organophosphate poisoning
Organophosphate poisoning


Organophosphate poisoning is poisoning due to organophosphates (OPs). Organophosphates are used as insecticides, medications, and nerve agents.

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Organophosphate Toxicity
Organophosphate Toxicity


In farm workers, chronic occupational exposure to organophosphate insecticides has been linked to neuropsychological effects in some studies.

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Organophosphate Poisoning: Symptoms
Organophosphate Poisoning: Symptoms


Organophosphate poisoning is a serious medical condition, no matter how small the dose. Long, high-intensity exposures are the most concerning.

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Organophosphate Toxicity Clinical Presentation
Organophosphate Toxicity Clinical Presentation


Gastrointestinal manifestations: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain may be some of the first symptoms to occur after organophosphate ...

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Organophosphate Poisoning
Organophosphate Poisoning


If you've ingested the poison, you may be experiencing symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea, which will decontaminate your digestive system.

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Organophosphate and carbamate poisoning
Organophosphate and carbamate poisoning


INTRODUCTION. Organophosphates and carbamates are potent cholinesterase inhibitors capable of causing severe cholinergic toxicity following ...

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Clinical features of organophosphate poisoning
Clinical features of organophosphate poisoning


The typical toxidrome in organophosphate (OP) poisoning comprises of the Salivation, Lacrimation, Urination, Defecation, Gastric cramps, Emesis (SLUDGE) ...

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Organophosphate Poisoning and Carbamate Poisoning
Organophosphate Poisoning and Carbamate Poisoning


Weakness, particularly of proximal, cranial, and respiratory muscles, may develop 1 to 3 days after exposure to organophosphates or rarely carbamates despite ...